Contact Us
Customer Care Contact Information
Please use the following information to contact an AcariaHealth Representative.
P: 1.800.511.5144 (TTY 711)
F: 1.877.541.1503
P: 1.866.506.2626
F: 1.800.696.0607
P: 1.877.928.5120
F: 1.877.928.5121
P: 1.866.892.1580
F: 1.866.892.2363
P: 1.800.511.5144
F: 1.855.383.4814
P: 1.866.892.1580
F: 1.866.892.2363
Lanuage Assistance
If you require language assistance, including sign language interpreters, written information in other formats, or translation into other languages, services are available to you free of charge.
Please call 1-800-511-5144 (TTY: 711).
Si habla español, tiene a su disposición servicios gratuitos de asistencia lingüística. Llame al 1-800-511-5144 (TTY: 711).
Three Convienient Ways to Submit Prescriptions
Find AcariaHealth in your electronic medical record (EMR) system. Include all relevant medication information and attach all collected patient records.
Dial 800.511.5144 and ask to speak to a pharmacist. Provide all relevant medication information and send all collected patient records via fax to 877.541.1503.
Download and complete the appropriate referral form on our website. Send completed referral form and all collected patient records via fax to 877.541.1503.
Pharmacy Locations
Headquartered in Orlando, Florida with a network of specialty pharmacies across the United States, our reach allows us to offer easy access to prescriptions and services.
1311 W Sam Houston Pkwy N, Ste 130
Houston, TX 77043
P: 800.511.5144
F: 877.541.1503
Hours: M-F 8am-6pm
3302 Garfield Ave
Commerce, CA 90040
P: 800.511.5144
F: 877.541.1503
Hours: M-F 9am-6pm
5 Skyline Dr, Ste 240
Hawthorne, NY 10532
P: 800.511.5144
F: 877.541.1503
Hours: M-F 9am-5:30pm
4151 E Commerce Way
Sacramento, CA 95834
P: 800.511.5144
F: 877.511.1503
Hours: M-F 9am-5pm
111 Chesterfield Industrial Blvd
Chesterfield, MO 63005
P: 877.291.1122
F: 877.291.1155
Hours: M-F 8am-6pm
8715 Henderson Road
Tampa, FL 33634
P: 866.458.9246
F: 866.458.9245
Hours: M-Th 8am-7pm F 8am-6pm
12968 Pauline Dr
Shelby Township, MI 48315
P: 888.239.7690
F: 877.396.5970
Hours: M-F 8:30am-6pm
We want to hear from you!
Please fill out the contact form below if you have any questions about our services. A member of our team will contact you shortly!
Prescription Management at Your Fingertips

Order your refill. Learn about your medication. Schedule and track your delivery. Get back to your life.
myAcaria Connections offers multiple options for easy and convenient prescription management including myAcaria Connections Text, myAcaria Patient Portal and myFoundCare Patient Portal.
Our text solution allows you to refill your medication and track your deliveries by text for all patients of both AcariaHealth and Foundation Care. This service includes convenient new features, improved appearance and ease of use!